Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lizzie Phelan - women united in the Intifada 3-2011

Uploaded by on Dec 16, 2011

Lizzie Phelan (or Cocker) , an accomplished journalist and political activist, chaired the proceedings. In her insightful opening speech she explained how islamophobia is used as tool to divide anti-imperialist movements in the west from those in the Muslim world:

"And women are often used by a white male dominated media industry and western political establishment as a tool of division which they have successfully done in the sense that those interested in the struggles of people in the Muslim world against imperialism often find their commitment to certain forces directly fighting empire challenged by the portrayal of women. This is mostly true today in relation to Islamist movements, where a culture of Islamophobia and eurocentricism in the west has harboured a lazy attitude towards understanding the role of Islam in social and political life and thus the life of women."

Friday, December 16, 2011

عبد المجيد حمدان - كاتب وباحث فلسطيني Abd El Majid Hamdan - A Palestine author and leader

عبد المجيد حمدان

عبد المجيد حمدان كاتب وباحث فلسطيني . قيادي سابق ، متقاعد ، في حزب الشعب الفلسطيني . أحمل شهادة بكالوريوس في العلوم ، فيزياء تطبيقية ، كلية العلوم جامعة الاسكنرية ، العام 1962 . أبلغ من العمر 74 عاما ، ولي ابنان ، سلام وعنان ، وحفيدة واحدة لونا . أعيش الآن في قريتي ، وأعمل في الزراعة إلى جانب أعمالي البحثية ومشاركاتي الأخرى .

Abd El Majid Hamdan is the son of Arourah village, near Ramallah, Palestine. He was born in 1938. He graduated from high school in 1957 and joined the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University. He graduated in 1962, then he became a teacher of mathematics and physics for grades 11 and 12 until the year 1974. He Was arrested and got fired from teaching after two days of his 'administrative' arrest in the prisons of the Israeli occupation, where he stayed for two years, at the end of which they released him and informed him on the same day that he was not allowed to teach anymore. He wasnt allowed to approach the field of education. Mr Hamdan started working in the press with the release of the 'Taliaa' newspaper. He became a columnist, then an author of political articles in more than one newspaper and magazine such as : Al Kateb, Al Watan and Al Ittihad. In prison in year 1975, Mr Hamdan was chosen as member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Jordan, then a member of the central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Palestine. Then a member of the Palestinian People's Party, until retirement. In 1997, Mr Hamdan was appointed assistant of the Secretary-General. In the third conference he was selected as a member of the Secretariat, then he became the Secretary General between 2000 and 2003. He then applied for retirement, while retaining the membership of the Central Committee, until the first government of national unity, where he completed his retirement fully.

Publications: Mr Hamdan's first book: 'The promise in the Torah' was published in 1993, , He since then wrote and published a total of 13 books:

1 - The promise in the Torah 1993 
2 - Palestinian democracy in practice 1995 
3 - 100 questions about democracy c {1} 1995 
4 - The uprising 2002 , an assessment attempt. 
5 - The rights of women between the robe of law and the law of the tribe
6 - 2006 Testimonies 
7 - political reading in the two eras -Mohammadi and Rashidi / The
Mohammadi era 2006 
8 - political reading in the two eras -Mohammadi and Rashidi / The Rashidi
era 2007 
9 - A look at the cause {part1} 2007
10 - 100 questions about democracy c {2} 2008 
11 - A look at the cause {part2} 2009 12 - Entering the field of taboos 2010 
13 - The Free Muslim (female) 2011

بعض مقالات السيد عبد المجيد حمدان

قراءة سياسية في العهدين المحمدي والراشدي 2
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
قراءة سياسية في العهدين المحمدي والراشدي 1
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
حقوق المرأة المرأة بين شريعة القبيلة ورداء الشريعة
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
إطلالة على القضية الفلسطينية 2
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
الديمقراطية - شهادات
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
الانتفاضة - محاولة تقييم
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
عن الديمقراطية - 100 سؤال وجواب 1
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
عن الديمقراطية - 100 سؤال وجواب 2
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
إطلالة على القضية الفلسطينية 1
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
الديمقراطية الفلسطينية في الممارسة - شهادات حية
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
المسلمة الحرة
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
عبد المجيد حمدان
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

 بعض مقالات السيد عبد المجيد حمدان
ملف - حول دور القوى اليسارية والتقدمية ومكانتها في ثورات الربيع العربي وما بعدها - بمناسبة الذكرى العاشرة لتأسيس الحوار المتمدن 2011 2011 / 12 / 5 3567 عن دور اليسار في ثورات الربيع العربي 1
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 11 / 16 3548 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 9 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 8 الاقتصاد الإسلامي والتنمية 2
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 10 / 17 3519 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 8 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 7 تيارات الإسلام السياسي والعلمانية 3 3
ملف حول قيام الدولة الفلسطينية و القضية الكردية وحقوق الأقليات وحقها في تقرير المصير في العالم العربي 2011 / 10 / 9 3511 الربيع العربي وقضايا الأقليات القومية 4
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 9 / 25 3497 قراءةتأماية في ثورة الشباب المصري 7 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 6 تيارات الإسلام السياسي والعلمانية 2 5
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 9 / 5 3477 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 6 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 5 تيارات الإسلام السياسي والعلمانية ( 1) 6
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 8 / 21 3463 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 5 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 4 السلفيون و مواجهة الديموقراطية بالشورى 7
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 8 / 7 3449 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 4 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 3 السفيون والدولة المدنية 8
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 7 / 29 3441 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 3) مخاطر على الديموقراطية 2) انفصال الرأس عن الجسد 9
اليسار , الديمقراطية والعلمانية في المشرق العربي 2011 / 7 / 12 3424 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 2 مخاطر على الديموقراطية 1 الإنكفاء إلى الذات 10
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية 2011 / 6 / 5 3387 قراءة تأملية في ثورة الشباب المصري 11
العلمانية، الدين السياسي ونقد الفكر الديني 2011 / 4 / 25 3346 عبود الزمر و العيش خارج حدود الزمان والمكان 12
القضية الفلسطينية 2009 / 9 / 29 2784 دخول الى حقل المحرمات - 1 - 13
القضية الفلسطينية 2002 / 10 / 4 266 هل هي مبادرة؟! 14
اخر الاخبار, المقالات والبيانات 2002 / 10 / 4 266 وحدة الأضداد بدون صراعها 15
القضية الفلسطينية 2002 / 8 / 23 228 ويا بدر لا رحنا ولا جينا 16

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why are you here? - Israeli Refuseniks in UK

This post and the last 4 or 5 all show that Jews are divided upon themselves and have serious identity issues! (thanks to zionists and their Israel)

Inside Story - Israel's new citizen law

Uploaded by on Oct 9, 2010

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has re-introduced a proposal requiring any non-Jew taking Israeli citizenship to swear allegiance to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. Inside Story discusses how the 'Jewish loyalty oath' could impact the Middle East peace talks.

Anger at Israel's controversial oath

Uploaded by on Oct 11, 2010

Israel's Arab community has been angered by the government's proposal requiring any non-Jew taking Israeli citizenship to swear allegiance to the country as a Jewish and democratic state.

The controversial phrase added to citizenship law in move is seen by critics as attempt to get support for new settlement freeze.

Palestinians say the law would legitimise discrimination and the dispossession of the indigenous people.

Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros reports from Jerusalem.

Israel's unwanted citizens

Palestinian citizens of Israel are complaining about a string of policies, which they say are designed to drive them out of Israel.

First, a bill requiring them to pledge allegiance to a Jewish state was passed by the Israeli cabinet.

Now the Knesset is debating whether to stop Arab Israelis from living in cities where there's a Jewish majority.

So who are Palestinian-Israelis and how did they become citizens of a state that doesn't want them?

Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros reports.

Racism clouds Israel student poll

Uploaded by on Dec 10, 2010

Arab students of Israel's Haifa University have stepped up complaints of discrimination on student body election day.

The minority group says they are under-represented in the college's student union and do not have the same rights as their Jewish peers.

Sherine Tadros reports from Haifa University.

Sherine Tadros reports from Haifa University.

[December 10, 2010]

Anti-African Rally in Tel Aviv

Racism is Israel

Levinsky Park, December 11, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

حكاية بلد" مدينة يافا عروس فلسطين الجزء الاول

Uploaded by on Feb 28, 2011

Al-Arz" productions in Nazareth, the first & largest Arab owned and operated broadcast production facility in Israel. Since its founding in 1990, the company produced more than 12 feature length Documentaries and as many as 20 different weekly TV programs for local broadcasting. The company is the major supplier of professional studios, equipment, edit suits, crews and production services for documentary and feature films, such as 'Paradise Now' a co-production that Muhammad Buqaie from Alarz productions acted in it as the Palestinian co-producer. Alarz provides TV stations such as; Aljazeera, Alhura, Reuters, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, LBC and AP with production and post-production services. In 2002 Alarz started developing and producing non-fiction films, which gained a great success, and In 2005 it opened its content department and has begun developing fiction projects for theatrical and festival distribution. The first being; "Sense Of Will" by Shady Srour, a full length feature film, witch is participating in the MFD program in Marrakech and has been accepted to the Sundance Screenwriting lab.
Tel-fax: +972-46553304
Mob: +972-577755400,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

1948 "The birth of a 'new specimen' of human being"

On 14 May 1948 the Zionist state of Israel declared itself to be in existence. Before and after that event most of the Arabs of Palestine were dispossessed of their land and their rights. How did it happen? a 40 minutes documentary presented by Alan Hart.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Zionism: The Real Enemy Of The Jews

42:01 mins
Former BBC and ITN correspondent Alan Hart delivers a powerful speech on why Zionism is not only the enemy of the Jews, but of humankind. Find out more via this link:

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Uploaded by on May 21, 2011

Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.
Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker.
Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39.
On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack.
Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws.
At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland

Thursday, February 10, 2011

An illegal interview with Mordechai Vanunu -Part III ENG/ITA

An illegal interview with Mordechai Vanunu - Part II ENG/ITA

An illegal interview with Mordechai Vanunu - Part I ENG/ITA

BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)5of5

BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)4of5

BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)3of5

BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)2of5

BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)1of5

Good Jews or Bad Jews? The Zionists Propaganda Machine

النشيد الوطني الفلسطيني مع العلم Palestinian National Anthem & Flag